575 research outputs found

    Large Dimensional Analysis and Optimization of Robust Shrinkage Covariance Matrix Estimators

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    This article studies two regularized robust estimators of scatter matrices proposed (and proved to be well defined) in parallel in (Chen et al., 2011) and (Pascal et al., 2013), based on Tyler's robust M-estimator (Tyler, 1987) and on Ledoit and Wolf's shrinkage covariance matrix estimator (Ledoit and Wolf, 2004). These hybrid estimators have the advantage of conveying (i) robustness to outliers or impulsive samples and (ii) small sample size adequacy to the classical sample covariance matrix estimator. We consider here the case of i.i.d. elliptical zero mean samples in the regime where both sample and population sizes are large. We demonstrate that, under this setting, the estimators under study asymptotically behave similar to well-understood random matrix models. This characterization allows us to derive optimal shrinkage strategies to estimate the population scatter matrix, improving significantly upon the empirical shrinkage method proposed in (Chen et al., 2011).Comment: Journal of Multivariate Analysi

    Eigen-Based Transceivers for the MIMO Broadcast Channel with Semi-Orthogonal User Selection

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    This paper studies the sum rate performance of two low complexity eigenmode-based transmission techniques for the MIMO broadcast channel, employing greedy semi-orthogonal user selection (SUS). The first approach, termed ZFDPC-SUS, is based on zero-forcing dirty paper coding; the second approach, termed ZFBF-SUS, is based on zero-forcing beamforming. We first employ new analytical methods to prove that as the number of users K grows large, the ZFDPC-SUS approach can achieve the optimal sum rate scaling of the MIMO broadcast channel. We also prove that the average sum rates of both techniques converge to the average sum capacity of the MIMO broadcast channel for large K. In addition to the asymptotic analysis, we investigate the sum rates achieved by ZFDPC-SUS and ZFBF-SUS for finite K, and show that ZFDPC-SUS has significant performance advantages. Our results also provide key insights into the benefit of multiple receive antennas, and the effect of the SUS algorithm. In particular, we show that whilst multiple receive antennas only improves the asymptotic sum rate scaling via the second-order behavior of the multi-user diversity gain; for finite K, the benefit can be very significant. We also show the interesting result that the semi-orthogonality constraint imposed by SUS, whilst facilitating a very low complexity user selection procedure, asymptotically does not reduce the multi-user diversity gain in either first (log K) or second-order (loglog K) terms.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, to appear in IEEE transactions on signal processin

    Extreme Eigenvalue Distributions of Some Complex Correlated Non-Central Wishart and Gamma-Wishart Random Matrices

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    Let W\mathbf{W} be a correlated complex non-central Wishart matrix defined through W=XHX\mathbf{W}=\mathbf{X}^H\mathbf{X}, where X\mathbf{X} is n×m (n≥m)n\times m \, (n\geq m) complex Gaussian with non-zero mean Υ\boldsymbol{\Upsilon} and non-trivial covariance Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma}. We derive exact expressions for the cumulative distribution functions (c.d.f.s) of the extreme eigenvalues (i.e., maximum and minimum) of W\mathbf{W} for some particular cases. These results are quite simple, involving rapidly converging infinite series, and apply for the practically important case where Υ\boldsymbol{\Upsilon} has rank one. We also derive analogous results for a certain class of gamma-Wishart random matrices, for which ΥHΥ\boldsymbol{\Upsilon}^H\boldsymbol{\Upsilon} follows a matrix-variate gamma distribution. The eigenvalue distributions in this paper have various applications to wireless communication systems, and arise in other fields such as econometrics, statistical physics, and multivariate statistics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Multivariate Analysi

    Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Arguments and Linear Statistics of Multi-Spiked Hermitian Matrix Models

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    This paper derives central limit theorems (CLTs) for general linear spectral statistics (LSS) of three important multi-spiked Hermitian random matrix ensembles. The first is the most common spiked scenario, proposed by Johnstone, which is a central Wishart ensemble with fixed-rank perturbation of the identity matrix, the second is a non-central Wishart ensemble with fixed-rank noncentrality parameter, and the third is a similarly defined non-central FF ensemble. These CLT results generalize our recent work to account for multiple spikes, which is the most common scenario met in practice. The generalization is non-trivial, as it now requires dealing with hypergeometric functions of matrix arguments. To facilitate our analysis, for a broad class of such functions, we first generalize a recent result of Onatski to present new contour integral representations, which are particularly suitable for computing large-dimensional properties of spiked matrix ensembles. Armed with such representations, our CLT formulas are derived for each of the three spiked models of interest by employing the Coulomb fluid method from random matrix theory along with saddlepoint techniques. We find that for each matrix model, and for general LSS, the individual spikes contribute additively to yield a O(1)O(1) correction term to the asymptotic mean of the linear statistic, which we specify explicitly, whilst having no effect on the leading order terms of the mean or variance

    A Robust Statistics Approach to Minimum Variance Portfolio Optimization

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    We study the design of portfolios under a minimum risk criterion. The performance of the optimized portfolio relies on the accuracy of the estimated covariance matrix of the portfolio asset returns. For large portfolios, the number of available market returns is often of similar order to the number of assets, so that the sample covariance matrix performs poorly as a covariance estimator. Additionally, financial market data often contain outliers which, if not correctly handled, may further corrupt the covariance estimation. We address these shortcomings by studying the performance of a hybrid covariance matrix estimator based on Tyler's robust M-estimator and on Ledoit-Wolf's shrinkage estimator while assuming samples with heavy-tailed distribution. Employing recent results from random matrix theory, we develop a consistent estimator of (a scaled version of) the realized portfolio risk, which is minimized by optimizing online the shrinkage intensity. Our portfolio optimization method is shown via simulations to outperform existing methods both for synthetic and real market data

    On the Distribution of MIMO Mutual Information: An In-Depth Painlev\'{e} Based Characterization

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    This paper builds upon our recent work which computed the moment generating function of the MIMO mutual information exactly in terms of a Painlev\'{e} V differential equation. By exploiting this key analytical tool, we provide an in-depth characterization of the mutual information distribution for sufficiently large (but finite) antenna numbers. In particular, we derive systematic closed-form expansions for the high order cumulants. These results yield considerable new insight, such as providing a technical explanation as to why the well known Gaussian approximation is quite robust to large SNR for the case of unequal antenna arrays, whilst it deviates strongly for equal antenna arrays. In addition, by drawing upon our high order cumulant expansions, we employ the Edgeworth expansion technique to propose a refined Gaussian approximation which is shown to give a very accurate closed-form characterization of the mutual information distribution, both around the mean and for moderate deviations into the tails (where the Gaussian approximation fails remarkably). For stronger deviations where the Edgeworth expansion becomes unwieldy, we employ the saddle point method and asymptotic integration tools to establish new analytical characterizations which are shown to be very simple and accurate. Based on these results we also recover key well established properties of the tail distribution, including the diversity-multiplexing-tradeoff.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theory (under revision
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